American Society for Peripheral Nerve

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Study of Nerve Regeneration in Peripheral Nerve of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR) Using Nerve Graft Covered with Vein Tube and Enriched with Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF)
Vinicius Atti, MD; Marcela Fernandes, MD; Figueiredo Gustavo, MD; Sandra Valente, PhD; Luis Renato Nakachima, MD; Carlos Henrique Fernandes, MD; João Baptista G Santos, MD; Flavio Fallopa, MD
Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Introduction: The treatment of peripheral nerve injuries has quite varied results. The search for new treatment methods allowed the knowledge of Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) and vein tubes, which release growth factors with potential for tissue regeneration. This study aims to determine if the addition of an adjuvant (vein tube with or without PRF) improve nerve regeneration rate, measured by functional score and histomorphometric analysis.

Methods: We used SHR rats divided into 4 groups: nerve graft covered with vein (NGCV) (n = 10); nerve graft covered with vein filled with PRF (NGCVP) (n = 10); nerve graft (NG) (n = 10) and the SHAM control group (n = 10). The repair results of sciatic nerve damage through nerve grafts, nerve grafts enriched vein tubes with or without PFR obtained from centrifugation of blood were evaluated by sciatic functional index (SFI) at 0, 30 60 and 90 days, morphological and morphometric analysis of nerve distal to the lesion, and quantitative histological analysis of neurons labeled by the dye-Fluoro Gold® the anterior horn of the spinal cord.

Results: The graft groups covered with vein (NGCV) and graft covered with vein filled with PRF (NGCVP) had lower SFI values than the control group (SHAM) throughout the study period. The NGCV group showed improvement in the sciatic functional index at day 90, a statistically significant when compared to the nerve graft group (NG). The diameter of the fiber and the axon of NGCV and NGCVP groups were similar to each other, and were lower statistically significant, the SHAM and NG groups.

Conclusion: All experimental groups obtained parameters decreased in relation to statistically significant SHAM. Functional improvement of the sciatic functional index at day 90, in NGCV group compared to NG, can be explained due to factors released by vein or vein itself as a conduit to reorient axonal. Further studies are needed to evaluate the role of adjuncts to nerve graft in repair of peripheral nerve injuries

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